My name is Gypsy Heart.  I was born in Berryville, Virginia on June 8, 2010 and came to live with Bill and Carol and Levon and Lucy in August of 2010. My mother was a chocolate medium f1 labradoodle and my father was a chocolate miniature poodle, that makes me an f1b small-medium labradoodle. I am much smaller than Levon and Lucy, but I make up for it with my giant heart!  I love to run and play and Levon and Lucy and Sunny love to play with me.  Boy, you should see me run when the wind is blowing.  I just love the wind and I think I can run as fast as the wind blows!  Carol and Bill laugh and call out "Run, Gypsy...Run!".  I have a secret...I can run as fast as my "cousin" Dude.  He is a Border Collie and he is super fast...but I am too!  

I REALLY love the water.  If I am outside, I want to be in the water.  I am really lucky because my back yard is the river!  I even like to sneak in when it is really cold outside, but when I do, I immediately hear Carol call me back to the house.  I don't like to make anyone upset so I come right back.  Carol and Bill always smile when they look at me.  They tell me that there is just something about me that makes them really happy!   Sometimes they just look at me and laugh and tell me I am such a comical clown...I am not sure what that means, but it must be a good thing because Carol and Bill have big smiles when they say it.

I have been told that I am really smart!  I know that I learn things very quickly and, like Levon, Lucy and Izzy, never get in trouble.  Levon and Lucy have taught me the in's and out's of living here and all the good things to do and all the bad things not to do.  They have been good teachers and I have been a really good student.  I know that I am super curious about things and people tell me that I am brave.  I just like to know all about things and I guess nothing really scares me because I have never found anything to be scared of.

I have a lot of hair.  Carol is always brushing me.  It feels really good, but, the other day when Carol was brushing me, she brushed all of my hair on my head back and said I looked a little bit like someone called "Chewbacca".  I am not sure if that is a good thing or not!  She was laughing when she said it though.

Some of my favorite people in the world are Ethan and Avi and Scarlett and Ariella. They are Carol and Bill's grandchildren and my friends. I love to play with them.  They run and jump and play with me and they hug and kiss me too.   I have a great life here, I get to play with other dogs too.  Of course I have Lucy and Levon and Dude (Dude lives with Jenna and Jay, Carol and Bill's daughter and son-in-law) but he comes to visit a lot.   Jenna and Jay call me "puppy bear"...they give me lots of love!   I also get to play with Nikki , she is one of our cousins and I just love playing with her.!  She lives with William and Kerri and Scarlett.  I guess William is sort of like my brother because he is Carol and Bill's son.  They are really nice to me too!

Not only do I like to play, I love to be quiet inside with my family as we all watch tv or listen to music.  One of my favorite things to do is put my front paws on Carol or Bill's lap and lay my head against their knees and get lots of cuddling and love which makes me melt away with the touch of their hands.

Lucy had 10 little pups a few years ago and they sure were cute!  One of those pups, Izzy, stayed with us here and she become my bestest friend!  Lucy and Levon had their last litter of 9 puppies on the 4th of July 2012 and Carol and Bill tell me that all the babies went to great homes just like I did when Carol and Bill brought me here. I was also been a big help to Izzy with her pups. She has had three litters and they are so cute!  I helped to take care of them...well actually, I only got to look at them until they were about 7 weeks old and then I babysat when Izzy got tired!

I've already had two litters of pups and this will be my third.  My little ones have all been so beautiful. Carol and Bill decided that my puppies were so great that they just had to keep one....she came from my first litter and her name is Sunny.  Carol gave her a long name, but we call her Sunny.  She looks a lot like me.  She has a curlier coat and she is more of a dark cream color, but she looks and acts a lot like me. I am very, VERY proud of her!!!

I have some exciting news!!! I just had my new babies on February 12th, 2017.  Rocky and I got together again, our babies from our last litter were so darned cute, we want more.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I am here and would love to meet each and every one of you!

Liberty's River Doodles
Liberty's Gypsy Heart

Sweet Painted Lady
Indian Sunset
Rocket Man
Gypsy Heart
Island Girl
Levon & Lucy
Puppy Pictures
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